Glenn Swingler's team were out in Rhyl today on the last day of the campaign to elect him as our representative for the Vale of Clwyd in the Welsh Parliament Election 2021 taking place tomorrow. Glenn took the opportunity to emphasise some of the issues that are important to the electorate in the Vale of Clwyd and which he will be prioritising if elected. He said "the levels of deprivation in the area were very concerning. A massive programme of building social housing was required. He pointed out that one of Plaid Cymru's aspirations in their fully costed manifesto was to create 50,000 public homes over the next five years – 30,000 council houses or other social housing, 5,000 cost rental homes at intermediate rent, and 15,000 genuinely affordable homes to buy.
As a Mental Health Care Worker Glenn is proud to stand on Plaid's manifesto which gives a high priority to Mental Health and to Caring for the People of Wales in general. He was particularly glad to see the extension of support for children and young people on top of Plaid's list of aims for Mental Health provision. He is also glad to support the aim of creating a single National Health and Care Service.
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