Oppose Dumping Nuclear Waste in Wales

The Labour Welsh Government along with their Conservative counterparts in London are asking communities across Wales to consider accepting nuclear waste in return for money.


This radioactive material will continue to be dangerous to human health and the environment for hundreds of thousands of years. We oppose any attempt by both Governments to bribe our communities into accepting this toxic waste.

Who's signing

Lynda Sharp
Jennifer parry
Marion Hughes
Andrew Greenough
Ed Fisher
Clare Evans
Victoria Mann
Alex Garvey
Kim Collins
Irene Dawson
Robin Jones
Stephen Heaney
David Thomas
Carole Davies
Lynn Charlton-Blore
Bleddyn Williams
Hefina Jones
Amy Hewitt
Helen Oakes
Tracy bessant
Maria Haines
Joanne Pearce
Chattypat Gurmedge
Roger Winterburn
Roxanne Watkins- Ellis
Graham Adamson
Judith Bartley
Shirley Wilson
Tom Holmes
467 signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 341 reactions

  • Lynda Sharp
    signed 2019-03-28 08:29:11 +0000
  • Jennifer parry
    signed 2019-03-28 08:18:12 +0000
  • Marion Hughes
    signed 2019-03-28 08:07:16 +0000
  • Andrew Greenough
    signed 2019-03-28 07:45:38 +0000
  • Ed Fisher
    signed 2019-03-28 07:42:34 +0000
  • Kate
    signed 2019-03-28 07:30:45 +0000
  • Clare Evans
    signed 2019-03-28 07:23:42 +0000
  • Victoria Mann
    signed 2019-03-28 06:56:05 +0000
  • Alex Garvey
    signed 2019-03-28 06:54:23 +0000
  • Kim Collins
    signed 2019-03-28 06:53:43 +0000
    Stop this madness now
  • Irene Dawson
    signed 2019-03-28 06:53:19 +0000
  • Robin Jones
    signed 2019-03-28 06:53:13 +0000
  • Stephen Heaney
    signed 2019-03-28 06:51:22 +0000
  • David Thomas
    signed 2019-03-28 04:49:18 +0000
  • Carole Davies
    signed 2019-03-28 04:00:50 +0000
  • Lynn Charlton-Blore
    signed 2019-03-28 03:07:27 +0000
    lynn charlton blore
  • Bleddyn Williams
    signed 2019-03-28 01:16:06 +0000
  • Hefina Jones
    signed 2019-03-27 23:58:34 +0000
    No way. Wales has already been vulnerable to nuclear incident for donkeys years, don’t make it so for future generations.
  • Amy Hewitt
    signed 2019-03-27 23:49:05 +0000
  • Helen Oakes
    signed 2019-03-27 23:48:10 +0000
    Send ir

    to the Home Counties
  • Tracy bessant
    signed 2019-03-27 23:46:37 +0000
  • Maria Haines
    signed 2019-03-27 23:41:40 +0000
    Totally opposed to nuclear energy, precisely because the waste products are harmful to people and life in general. So yes, keep Denbighshire – and everywhere else – nuclear-free. Stop producing the stuff, then there won’t be a problem about what to do with the radioactive waste.
  • Joanne Pearce
    signed 2019-03-27 23:41:06 +0000
    How can anyone think this is acceptable?
  • Chattypat Gurmedge
    signed 2019-03-27 23:37:04 +0000
  • Roger Winterburn
    signed 2019-03-27 23:15:59 +0000
    Keep nuclear waste out of Denbighshire. It should stay where it was produced, and there should be no bribes offered or accepted to dump it on the innocent.
  • Roxanne Watkins- Ellis
    signed 2019-03-27 23:11:32 +0000
  • Graham Adamson
    signed 2019-03-27 22:56:56 +0000
  • Judith Bartley
    signed 2019-03-27 22:50:26 +0000
    Judith Bartley
  • Shirley Wilson
    signed 2019-03-27 22:33:08 +0000
    We do not want this, please keep Denbighshire clean..
  • Tom Holmes
    signed 2019-03-27 22:27:12 +0000

This starts with you

They have the money but we have the people. If everyone who visits this website joins our movement, there's nothing we can't accomplish together.