Denbighshire county council: don't evict homeless people from the Westminster hotel on Rhyl seafront.
Denbighshire County Council are planning to evict homeless people who are placed at the Westminster Hotel on a temporary basis because their presence might have "a potential negative impact on the tourist and regeneration programmes for the town".
Homeless people, some with families, are already vulnerable and should not be put in this situation. This is social cleansing, and we believe that it's wrong. We're calling on DCC to keep them housed at the Westminster until they find a suitable long term solution.
Who's signing
Karen Armstrong
Rachel Parry
Alison Garnett
Anna Smith
Joanne Wainwright
Carol Oldnall
Teresa Pearson
Lynn Owens
Jayne Macmenzie
Phillipa Taylor
Norah Cowpe
Alan Tainty
Tony Yvonne Chittendenjones
Helen Williams
Margaret Boyes
Jenny Hoyle
Jenny Imbrenda
Adelle Denton
Sue Fortune
Ann Burn
Lucy Spencer
Lynda Sharp
Anne-Marie Pearce
Ian Fidler
Pete Garrett
Lorraine Poole
Paul Williams
Iolanda Banu
Craig Sheehan I
137 signatures